Thursday, February 13, 2014

Video from QCC Qualifier

QCC tournament video!

Skills practice:

Seeding match:

QCC Qualifier Tournament 2/8/70

Attended tournament and had agreat time.  We captained the #4 alliance but lost in the semifinals to team #44. 

Problems found at tournament with our robot: 
-Robot did not intake buckyballs smoothy enough
-Robot lost big balls it was holding due to floppy intake rollers
-Robotstalled in a few matches but recovered
-Small ball launcher was ineffectivewithout belt

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Vex Team: Dreaming Robot.       2013-14 Challenge “Toss Up”
Philip Hubbe, newest recruit of the team.
     This is my first time commenting, so bear with me. The Green Mountain Tournament, January 19, was the first tournament I participated in, and I learned ALOT. Though I might not list everything that could have been better, I will definitely try to get my point across.
I learned:
 Not to make judgments when you’re not sure what is going to come of it (making decisions off of what you don’t know).
What you need for basic play (not to focus on the complicated stuff when the basics aren’t working).
You should expect something to go wrong, even if you do everything possible to prevent it. (PROGRAMMING GLITCH!)
When you operate on a competition field, in a tournament format, you begin to understand the basics, which you thought you understood so well.

Another thing I would like to cover is robot design. I think in the end there is one main idea that everyone uses (all competitors), because it works and is very compact. But even though it’s the same idea, it’s built differently every time, almost explains people right there. We work! But we are all created unique.

Our Design:
We have been working on a re-invented design for over two weeks now, that’s almost done, and we believe it’s our final.
“Two problems, one solution” is our motto. We've built this one from the base up, with extreme thought, to bypass all that went wrong last time. A very crucial thing we've been doing is saving time by talking over the phone, to design stuff done before we meet and get more done when we do meet, because when we meet we don’t have time to spare.

 I have learned a lot and dedicated myself, and I am definitely not losing speed now.