Asses the field before deciding what points to score:
-If your opponents are capable score-descorers, Stash buckyballs first, even though they score fewer points
per second than large balls
-If the field is less capable, than points are points, and you should score large balls whenever you can.
If your opponents will play defense, get to the goals ASAP, even in autonomous if you can.
If your ally is capable, use the strategy.
The strategy is:
Bot A starts in the hanging zone, and gets some auton points as well as putting themselves in a good starting position.
Bot B starts in the middle zone, and scores 12-15, ending in the goal zone.
Both A and B focus completely on buckyballs in the beginning, with one playing some defense when necessary to score balls.
After goals are full of buckies (any color, just try to fill them up with yours), play volleyball, with A in the middle-to-hanging zones and B in the goal zone.
A hangs while B towers the goals.
If this works, you will get 10(auton)+30(buckies)+20(hang)+10(large ball on goal) + 5(assuming you have 1 large ball in the goal zone) = 75 points
If your opponents will probably fill the goals before you do, then a more defensive approach may be required.
B (or A, which ever one is the slower stasher), hangs out in the goal zone playing defense on your opponent while the other one stashes buckyballs. If they are blocked, they may have to throw large balls around instead, or play more defence, depending on how strong the opponents are.
Still hang and tower at the end.
This does not lead to big victories, but it is a way to succeed even against very strong scoring bots.
Make sure not to get in your allies way. Even if you are a little closer, if they are going for it, you should do something else.(in most situations)
Communicate with your alliance about the plan, and communicate in-match. Try to plan your opening moves while autonomous is being scored.
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